Naturally I hope this message finds everyone safe and healthy. With that in mind, your board of directors is moving forward with our agenda for June 2022 activities. Here you will find the signup sheet with events, dates and times, and costs; subject to change. If you know you’re coming, feel free to sign up early so we can get a feel for the number of attendees.
I always seem to get the question, “when is our weekend?” This year it is pretty simple as June 25 falls on a Saturday. So our weekend will be June 23-26. With that said, Covid 19 is still making the rounds and as I write this, we are once again hitting some all-time highs.
I am sorry to announce that our Dispatch editor Jim Bartels is fighting some health problems. He has asked me to convey to our readers the need for articles for our publication. As you have noticed, Jim writes a lot of articles of interest to fill out the Dispatch. Review some of the Dispatch articles to see what others are writing about. Now is your chance to express your views in an article – and we all like to express our views for others to debate. Jim and my emails are on the 2nd page. I’m sure you all join me in sending “get well soon” wishes to Jim.
I mentioned in the last Dispatch, our membership chair, Michele Noyes, is retiring as of June. She has been a tremendous asset to our organization. We get so many thank yous and words of appreciation for the reminder cards she sends out as your membership is expiring. Our members clearly do not want to miss any of our publications! However, we still need someone to step up and replace Michele as membership chair. Please give this some consideration. Michele’s email is listed on the second page. She will gladly explain what is involved in processing the memberships. There is a computer and printer dedicated to processing the memberships.
Speaking of memberships – please, please, please notify us when you have moved. We received six returned Dispatches in our Montana mail this week. All recipients had moved from the addresses provided to the CBHMA. The post office only forwards mail for so long. Now we can only wait to see if members contact us when they realize they haven’t received their publications.
And this is the issue where we ask for anyone who has an interest in running for the board to throw their hat in the ring. To be eligible, you must be a member in good standing for one year, and attend the battle weekend in Montana for each year of your term. Annually you will attend three board meetings – one to go over the weekend activities and the activities you will be assisting with, the membership meeting at the Stone House, and a board meeting after the Membership meeting. If interested, we need to know by March 15th. Send a 250-page bio, along with picture, to me or any other board member. It’s that simple. You get to share in a lot of fun and informative activities, make new friends, and assist in decision-making regarding the mission and course of the CBHMA.
Our kick-off event, the pizza party, will be held at 3 Brothers Bistro on Thursday. This is a great time to mingle with old friends and new, and get a start talking about your favorite subject the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
As of now Friday’s symposium has a full slate of speakers. It will be held at Centre Cinema. If you have a topic you would like to present for 2023, talk to Dale Ramsey or Willie Walker. They are always looking for new papers.
The author’s forum will also be held on Friday at the Little Big Horn Center. We are still finalizing plans for the speaker.
We are very fortunate for our field trip Saturday. In the morning we will be going to multiple fords used by the Seventh Cav on that day in June. It will be led by Ken Woody, newly retired ranger in charge of interpretation. Ken worked for the Battlefield for over 30 years. He will provide a load of great information. The afternoon will be spent at Pompeii’s Pillar to take in a Ranger talk and some beautiful sightseeing.
Speaking of retirement, Ranger Michael Stops is also retiring with 30 years of service. He has been an invaluable asset to the CBHMA in navigating the rules and permit process for our Battlefield activities and meetings. If you see either of them out and about, please thank them for their service to the park.
Our Saturday dinner will be held at 3 Brothers Bistro. We are tentatively planning a steak dinner. Hope that is still doable with the price of beef – at least here in Iowa. Whatever is served, Greg and Keri provide a delicious, mouthwatering feast.
Our auction and primary fundraiser will be held after our Saturday dinner in the adjoining Centre Cinema. Be sure to bring extra items in your collection to auction.
Please plan on coming Sunday to the Battlefield for the wreath laying ceremonies at both Reno-Benteen and at Last Stand Hill hosted by Tom Heski, followed by the membership meeting at the Stone House. Remember we are there to honor the fallen in this engagement.
A reminder to get your reservations for motels in early. Don’t be shut out and forced to drive more than you need to.
Don’t forget to consider running for the board of directors or taking over for our membership chair (you can do both!).
Garry Owen, Ted